Spendsetters: The Road to Resilience - Interview with Doug Kortfelt, CPO, CNA Insurance

Read time: 1 mins
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I asked, "How can we be better customers?" - Doug Kortfelt, Senior Vice President and Chief Procurement Officer, CNA Insurance.

Being a better customer involves reexamining our coupa.com own positions and changing the dynamics of our relationships.

In Doug's case, as with many of the guests on our Road to Resilience series, that involved recognizing the inherent need to approach buyer-vendor relationships like true partnerships. This is something we can all learn from and apply generally, but especially so in a Business Spend Management context. 

Check out his interview below:

We’ll be debuting more interviews with BSM leaders over the next several weeks. In the meantime, if you want to learn more about building resilience, please visit our Resilience Hub for a three-part framework on how to get there.