Are You Running an Effective Travel & Expenses Program? 

This checklist will help you evaluate your current program to find out whether or not you are efficiently running your travel & expenses management program.

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The checklist guides you through questions in each of these categories:

  • Do you capture travel & expenses savings as well as you could?
  • How well are you ensuring traveler satisfaction?
  • Are you maximizing traveler safety?
  • Are you committed to maximum sustainability in the ways you manage T&E?
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In today's uncertain macroeconomic environment, finance leaders are being asked to do more with less - even as business travel picks up. This is where unlocking the full power of T&E spend really makes a difference.

See if there's a better way to power your business travel.

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What categories of T&E Management does the checklist cover?

The T&E checklist helps you identify areas of improvement in four key areas: (1) Capturing Savings, (2) Traveler Satisfaction, (3) Traveler Safety, and (4) Sustainability Goals.

What are some ways to ensure that you capture all cost savings in your travel & expenses program?

A few ways that the checklist addresses are ensuring that employees know your policy and can easily find it, setting up travel budgets by department, being able to track compliance, working with vendors who provide negotiated rates, changing bookings when prices drop, comparing your expenditures with similar companies, monitoring for fraud, and more.

What are a few ways that you can ensure the satisfaction and safety of your employees who are traveling for work?

Your employees will be happier if your booking tool is integrated with your expense management system. They also are more satisfied if you provide them with payment methods so that they don't have to pay out-of-pocket. If you're able to track your expense report approval cycle time, and seek to keep it as low as possible, employees will enjoy being reimbursed more quickly. You should be able to easily identify your employees' locations while they are traveling and communicate with them on a moment's notice. Download the checklist for more ways to ensure employee satisfaction and safety.

How can your travel and expenses management program make an impact on your ESG goals?

Employees often want to know how their travel choices are impacting ESG commitments. That's why it's important for employees to understand how their travel options impact carbon emissions. Many companies also seek to offset emissions from their T&E program as part of their overall commitment to environmental goals.

As business travel resumes, is your current T&E program management ready to help your company get more out of every dollar spent?
T&E Program Management Readiness Assessment