Ensure Compliance with Sustainability Regulations & Operational Agility
Better Understand 3rd & 4th Party Risks
Digitize 3rd party risk management to understand inherent risks and assess 3rd/4th parties to identify additional 4th party risks. Provide visibility into risk scores and risk details to supply chain planners, including product flows across multi-tier supply chains and supplier concentration risk.
Provide Leading Indicators for Risks
Systematically provide an “early warning system” for risks of unethical behavior, giving more time to respond. Proactively monitor all 3rd/4th parties for risk indicators like restricted party lists, news sentiment monitoring, etc. Mitigate performance risk across suppliers by gathering information at the time of transactions.
Comply with Ethical, Sustainable Standards
Protect workers against unfair and unsafe conditions for all workers, and protect the environment by ensuring that safe standards are in place across your supply chain. Create risk and compliance reports for managers and external publication.
Improve Supply Chain Resilience & Optionality
Quickly respond to disruptions and proactively plan improvements using optimization to find the best design for a set of parameters across multiple factors (e.g. cost, CO2 emissions, revenue at risk, impact on inventory levels, etc.) Proactively incorporate multi-dimensional risk scoring into supply chain planning.
Accelerate Cycle Times
Roll out changes to supply chain plans by automatically passing sourcing requirements (e.g. new logistics routes, etc.) into sourcing events, using workflow to engage the correct sourcing SMEs, and seamlessly passing the results of completed sourcing events into contract and purchasing.