Supply Chain App Studio Bridge the Gap Between Business Expertise and Supply Chain Science
Deliver the Power of AI to those Who Need It Most
Explore how easy it can be to continually improve supply chain decision-making through scalable, production-grade applications.
Support Purpose-Built Apps with a Living Data Model
Be ready for anything with this lowest common denominator of supply chain data for continuous decision support. Manually or automatically connect, cleanse, and harmonize data, enabling instant access to information from across your supply chain systems, data lakes, and external data points.
Easily Manage the App Deployment Process
Support the deployment and management of all your purpose-built apps through a single hub location. Accelerate your time-to-value through the use of an automated data infrastructure and streamlined interface development as you continually deliver enterprise grade applications across the enterprise.
Build on a Foundation of Supply Chain IP
Drive rapid innovation through App Studio's composable architecture. With access to our powerful AI engines and a library of reusable solution assets, you have a constant head start on each new problem you face.
Empower Users to Make Smarter Decisions
With purpose-built apps, your business users can see input data, run models on demand, try a new scenario, and interact with visualizations, enabling intelligent decisions and information sharing among relevant stakeholders and systems across your enterprise.