Coupa Training & Education Explore learning resources to advance and certify your expertise

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Training and Education Resources

Take your knowledge and skills to the next level

Whether you’re looking for free on-demand training videos, or certification courses delivered by our subject matter experts, you’ll find the training you need in a format that fits the way you want to learn.

Coupa University Learning Portal

Explore the library of training courses available in the Coupa University Learning Portal. Browse topics from beginner to advanced techniques to get started, get ahead, and get certified.


Get certified! Coupa certification courses provide in-depth training, hands-on exercises, and a certification exam to validate your knowledge and skills.

Coupa Learning Pass

Get an all-access pass to Coupa training and certification. With a Coupa Learning Pass you get a full year of learning for a single, economical price.

Instructor-led Training

Explore Coupa's network of Authorized Training Partners for live instructor-led training delivered by certified instructors using Coupa-created learning content.

Success Compass Webinars

Join other Coupa customers and subject matter experts to explore featured topics and best practices. Topics span a variety of business areas with time for questions and discussion.

Let’s Talk Training

Have questions about your training options? Need help placing or changing a training course order? Connect with a member of the Coupa University team. We’re happy to help you get connected to the training you need to master new skills.